The Chunfeng Shengshi Pharmaceutical Institute aims to provide the company R&D support, boosting company momentum with subsequent new product development. While mainly serving the company, the Institute undertakes state, provincial and other businesses’ research projects and conducts technology activities such as technology development, advisory, transfer and services so as to improve innovation and R&D and advance industrial technologies and industrial restructuring/upgrades.
Adhering to the principles of independent development and industry-university-research cooperation, the Institute will improve innovation and cultivate high-quality researchers for the industrialization of science and technology. The Institute will develop more high-tech products that meet market demands in order to have, on top of products under production, a rich candidate pipeline, promote the technological development of the company and the industry and lead the industry.
As an important part of the company, the Institute serves the company’s overall development strategy, with R&D centered on chemical drugs, Chinese patent medicines, TCM formula granules, TCM decoction pieces, health products and food. Regarding chemical drugs, the Institute will focus on research in top specialties such as eye care while beefing up R&D of new dosage forms, including the development and application of sustained/controlled release preparations and targeted preparations. When it comes to TCM, the Institute will continue to play a leading role in TCM modernization and industrialization. The Institute is committed to becoming a professional R&D facility leading domestic counterparts in R&D and rivaling advanced international peers in terms of achievements and technology.
New product and technology R&D
Based on an in-depth analysis and accurate grasp of the market, the Institute should focus on providing R&D support to Chunfeng Pharmaceutical for the latter’s medium and long-term development. Efforts should be made to continue developing promising and competitive new products and technologies, digest, absorb and recreate the technologies introduced and build proprietary leading products and core technologies.
Industry-university-research cooperation and external exchanges/cooperation
The Institute, which is an important venue for the company to carry out industry-university-research cooperation, should establish multiple forms of cooperation with academic and research institutions, leverage social resources to serve business technology innovation, strengthen exchanges and cooperation with domestic and foreign peers and conduct strategic R&D in partnership with others to push for Chunfeng Pharmaceutical’s technological development.
Technology services and technology transfer
The Institute should continue transforming technologies into productivity to lay the foundation for the company’s subsequent development.
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