
Shuang Huang Lian Granules

【Specification】5g/bag(sugar -free)

【Validity】24 months

【Indications】Course wind and resolve the exterior, clear heat and resolve toxin. For treatment of externally contracted wind-heat marked by fever, cough and sore pharynx.

【Administration and Dosage】Swallow the medicine or take it after mixing with boiled water 3 times a day and 5g each time (1. 0-1. 5g each time for infants <6 months old; 1. 5-2. 0g each time for 6-12 month infants; 2. 0-2. 5g for children aged 1-3 years; and at your discretion or as directed by a physician for children >3 years)

The drug instructions above are for drugs sold in the mainland of the People's Republic of China only. For any updated information, please refer to the latest versions approved by the China Food and Drug Administration. The instructions are not drug ads, and are only a reference for pharmacist and physician professionals. The information contained on the website is provided as a source of knowledge only, and should not replace medical advice from and medical consultation with doctors or other eligible medical professionals. The information on the page should not be used for the diagnosis of diseases.
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